How to Create a Vision Board to Make 2017 a Success!

Creating a Vision Board


Are you hoping to make 2017 your best year yet?  Do you have a lot of things that you want to accomplish this year?  Are you unsure about how to make them come to fruition?  Why not create a Vision Board?

A Vision Board is an excellent tool to help you create clarity in what you want to accomplish in 2017.  It may seem juvenile, but going through the steps to create a vision board, forces you to focus on what it is you truly want to attract in your life.

We recommend that you take some time to write down all of your goals that you want to accomplish in 2017.  You can also include quotes that are motivational or make you happy, pictures, etc.  Maybe you have things that you want to focus on, but you don’t necessarily have a plan of what you want to do with them.  List all of those things out.

The next step is to make your goal process visual. You can go through magazines, google images, or Pinterest and search for pictures that demonstrate your goals, motivational words/quotes, and things that make you feel good, etc.  Gather all of the visuals that you want to utilize and either cut them out or print them.

The next critical step is to creatively lay out your Vision Board in a way that inspires you.  We suggest using a foam poster board with rubber cement or Modge Podge.  Lay out everything in a way that pleases your eye and glue it onto the board.  When you are finished, place the board in an area that you will see on a daily basis.

The ability to visually see your goals on a daily basis creates the concept in your mind, that you can have the things you want.  If you have your Vision Board in front of you regularly, it helps you focus each day on little steps you can take to making your goals come to fruition.

Do you have a Vision Board for 2017?  Will you create one?  Have you had good results with a Vision Board in the past?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.



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